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  • Alexis Foster

Great, average, or bad?

Advertisements are everywhere, but some are definitely better than others. In today's blog post we are going to look at a few magazine advertisements fall into one of the three categories: Great, bad, and average.


This is an example of a great and effective magazine advertisement:

This is an example of an effective magazine advertisement. This is effective graphics, advertises the product well, and even though it has minimal wording, it still gets the point across.

This is an example of a Average advertisement (ineffective):

This this an example of an average advertisement. It has attention grabber graphics, and does give the information but at the same time it is clustered, hard to read and is a little clustered.

This is an example of a bad advertisement (ineffective):

This advertisement has many things wrong with it. Even though the pictures on the page stand out, there is really no format for reading, and when you do try to read it, the font is too small. Overall it is cluttered and unorganized.

Next we are going to look at examples of magazine articles that are ineffective due to lack of hierarchy.


This is an example of a good magazine advertisement:

This is an example of a good magazine advertisement. The bold words "TIME MONEY EXPERIENCE" grabs your attention, and directs your attention to the book for sale underneath. The smaller print makes you focus in on the product and shows you where you can get the book. It is a good example of different size fonts and how they each play apart in getting the message across.

This is an example of a Average advertisement:

This is an example of an average ad. You are able to distinguish that they are saying congratulations, but overall, the print in general is small to effectively get the message across.

This is an example of a bad advertisement:

This is an example of a bad advertisement due to a lot of different reasons, but we are going to focus on lack of hierarchy today. There is no different sizes in words,so even though you can guess what it is, there is no distinction.


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