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DEFINEThe problem for this full-page magazine advertisement is creating a spread that depicts the positive aspect of greed, one of the 7 deadly sins. This project requires turning a vice into a virtue. The goal of this advertisement is to express that greed can be linked as a motivational factor to success, and to spin that into a positive situation.


RESEARCH - For this project specifically, most of the research was based on looking back at the 1987 Harper's magazine issue that this was first displayed on. I tried to keep in mind the target audience for a business school during my search.


DEVELOPMENT - Developing a concept for this advertisement was somewhat tricky because I had to make it relatable, but not too obvious that it turned the ad back into a vice. I spent some time planning out the general idea of what success meant to me, and that was doing well in school.


SOLUTION - I created a few rough drafts in the developmental stage, and began to finalize them and edit them to how I exactly wanted them in this stage. I rearranged the set up a few times until I got it how I wanted it. 

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