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  • Alexis Foster

Chapter Two Book Questions

1. How does communication design work within the constraints of print and media?

Communication design works within the constraints of print and media by designers adjusting their design to match the platform that it is going to be displayed on. For example, an advertisement for one of the seven deadly sins, and let's say in this case lust, will look different if it is a full cover magazine page or one that is going to be in a newspaper ad. When you have a full cover sheet to work with you can add more design, more wording than necessary, you can set your mood based on your color palette etc. With a newspaper article, you will have to adjust your emotional appeal to the image or the wording. It is important in this design process to make absolutely sure that you are delivering the message that your client is trying to get across.

2. How does the creative process relate to strategic problem-solving?

Some designers convert the creative process into a problem-solving process, which in a way makes sense. The design process (The problem at hand) coming up with a mutually agreed idea from what your client describes to you, transitioning that idea onto paper and then on to design. Along the way, you are going to face problems along the way such as time constraints, budget constraints etc. There are four main concepts 1) Design 2) Research 3)Developing concepts 4) Implementing solutions.

3. How is the creative process related to the design process?

The creative process ties into the design process because without creativity there will never be a successful design. Even though some designs are more structured than others, without creativity you won’t be able to design an overall project. For example, even though for this project is clean cut (you are developing a virtue out of a vice) you are going to need to come up with a simple design that gets that message across. That requires creativity.

4. What are the critical phases of the design process?

The Four Critical Phases of the Design Process include:

Design the Communication Problem - What are the goals and the objectives of the design that you are creating

Conducting Research - Details, emotions, pictures, design ideas, target audience etc of what you are trying to get across.

Developing Concepts - first putting your design into action This may include preparing a rough draft, designing layouts, picking out initial fonts and color schemes, overall just start to create the base of your project.

Solution Implementation - In this process, we will select our final concepts and begin to seriously design and lay these ideas out onto our final product. This step focusing on the final production and then the evaluation of the product.

5. How does project research help to define a communication problem?

Project research helps define a communication problem because when you are researching you are looking into different aspects of the problem that will help you come up with ideas that will help you reach your goal. During this stage in the design process, you are picking out the different aspects of your overall design such as the kind of emotion you want, the background of the advertisement that you are producing etc.

6. What are some examples of brainstorming techniques that generate multiple concepts based on a common message?

Two types of brainstorming techniques that generate multiple concepts based on a common message are concept mapping and linear modeling. Linear brainstorming is conducted by developing lists, while concept mapping is the non-linear approach that is usual to designers when they need to be able to see what is there and what else still needs to be searched.

7. How does using a metaphoric device generate concepts?

Metaphoric devices are used to add context and life to the concepts, and in a sense help them transition off the paper. This helps you branch out and generate approaches to the ideas that you already have.

8. How do concepts translate into messages within a visual form?

So before you begin designing you have to come up with the overall concept for your project. This is when the translation process begins, you begin to create an image that is almost a symbol and is able to represent the message you’re trying to convey. You are able to pick an image that represents the emotions and feelings that your ad is trying to get across.

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